hot and tired.....
and that's pretty much how i've been feeling this week.....hence the "sleeping" pose! i've been learning how to better handle my 15-30 minute braxton hicks(??). relax, breathe, relax, breathe, relax, breathe! the sooner i lay or sit down, close my eyes and practise my relaxation, the shorter they are becomming. we had an appointment this week. all is great. adequate amounts of fluid and (when the doctor was looking, anyway!), no more breech position! we just got our a/c fixed again so the apartment should be more comfortable. this is the most it has broken down and it just happens to be the summer i'm not going home (which is a lot cooler!) and the summer of my third trimester! hopefully it's been fixed for good this time.this photo is more happy. i started laughing when teddy kept saying "biggie. biggie. biggie." as he was taking the photos. yes. i am big.....but it's mostly all belly still, so i'm ok with it. it's all for peanut!
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