~this is my blog. i originally created it as a way for friends and family to follow my travels. now it's just a way to keep in touch. i'm sure it'll mostly be about baby now! enjoy!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

here you have it.....week 31 photo. i'm really starting to slow down this week. it's getting noticeably harder to get around. i feel pretty good for the most part, but when it comes to walking or doing anything remotely physical, i really notice how difficult it is. even going for a slow walk can trigger tightness and cramping (poor teddy.....we walked to a restaurant this evening and i'm sure he wondered if we'd ever get there. he's good about taking it slow with me though.) as i said in the last post, a little rest usually takes care of any discomfort. i've never been a fan of medicine and for a long time i have preferred to sleep off headaches and other kinds of pain. i consider myself lucky that i can relax so easily and that i'm able to handle the pre-labour cramps this way.


At 6:50 pm , Blogger jean said...

Dear Loree-Bet,you are looking good.
We are very glad everything are going sooth for you.
Take care!

At 4:34 am , Blogger Loree-Beth said...

thanks grandma jean! we're lucky our pregnancy has been so good. we start childbirth classes this week. it'll be good to learn some ways to handle the birth and ideas for teddy to help. i hope you and grandpa leo are having fun in milwaukee.


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