~this is my blog. i originally created it as a way for friends and family to follow my travels. now it's just a way to keep in touch. i'm sure it'll mostly be about baby now! enjoy!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

the mallory show

the mallory show is what i have taken to calling our skype dates. being that it is in the early morning for mallory (and her momma) and my evening.....the times usually work out great. mallory is definitely a morning girl, so i get nothing but funny and cute for the 15-20 minutes we chat. it is the best part of my day. i can take some snap shots of what my webcam is displaying and here are some from today's mallory show:

mallory just being cute! it is great when i catch her eating breakfast 'cause she is a busy girl and otherwise i only catch glimpses of her as she runs around.

thinking of what to say or do next.....

just being silly.....

mallory showing me her beautiful smile.

good-bye kisses before i go off to yoga and mallory to her babysitter's house.


these next two are from a while ago. i forgot i took them. so pretty mallory!

she looks so much younger here!
i love the mallory show so much! thank-you mallory (and momma)!


At 1:58 pm , Blogger Matt Y said...

super cute!!! put her and izzy together and the world might explode


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