~this is my blog. i originally created it as a way for friends and family to follow my travels. now it's just a way to keep in touch. i'm sure it'll mostly be about baby now! enjoy!

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

last weekend in NS

our last weekend in NS was spent celebrating mother's day with our momma! we decided to do a few things over a couple of days. 

the celebration started off with a hotdog/sausage/marshmallow roast in scott's bay. the weather was so perfect. temperature was great, no wind and we enjoyed it so much.

these two faces say otherwise! what a funny shot! they were actually having more fun than that!
 here's nanny, with Mallory, opening her gift and surprise from all of us. we presented her with a menu for the next 4 days. we each took care of a meal, so that she could relax and enjoy all of us and not worry about feeding us.
 another first on this trip was lilyanna's first pedicure!
 we had to get ready for the tea party the next day!
 after the paint dried sweet lily ran around the back yard with Mallory picking dandelions. they had so much fun together.
 tea party!
 Lilyanna even got to have a cupcake!
it was so nice to be home. I wish so much that these two places were closer. oh, most of the scott's bay and tea party photos are courtesy of amy. thanks, aim!


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