~this is my blog. i originally created it as a way for friends and family to follow my travels. now it's just a way to keep in touch. i'm sure it'll mostly be about baby now! enjoy!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

oct.5th - oct. 25th

after this, i hope to keep adding photos more often! let's see how i go!
lilyanna was sleeping like this one day. then she pooed (her poos are very loud!) and her pose changed to this..... we thought maybe she was embarrassed!
i managed to catch her sleeping smile in a photo. she smiles a lot in her sleep and ha begun doing it a bit when she's awake, but we can't make her smile yet.

this was a day or two after my mom arrived. chloe (my yoga teacher) came for a visit in the afternoon.

teddy's parents also came to meet lilyanna.

cuddles with grandpa.

lilyanna with grandma and grandpa.

again with grandma and grandpa.

looking cozy in her bunting bag from auntie leesa.

she posed herself like this for a chest cuddle and nap. she loves the chest hold for a nap.


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