~this is my blog. i originally created it as a way for friends and family to follow my travels. now it's just a way to keep in touch. i'm sure it'll mostly be about baby now! enjoy!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

long post

well it's been a long time since i have blogged but i just didn't have much to blog about in the past little bit. i have just been teaching, hanging out and not really doing anything too exciting.

the weather is definitely heating up and summer is just around the corner. the days are hot and sunny (which makes for great sun tanning sessions during our lunch break) but the nights still cool off a bit, which is so nice.

at school we have been preparing for the "open day", which happens this week, where the students bring their parent(s) to observe and participate in classes. the school is super stressed about it, wanting it to be the best it can be, but they need to relax. i have done this many times before but due to the management stress levels, i'm getting over stressed about it. i'm sure all will go well---it just needs to happen and be over with.

today was a holiday so tobi (a friend since day one in korea and former roommate), brandelle (one of the other foreign english teachers at the preschool) and i went on a little excursion. we went to walk around the old city wall in suwon. it was a good day..........really fun to see something new.

hope you're all doing well. drop me a line if you have a sec or send me an email. i love hearing from you too!


At 5:14 am , Blogger Matt Y said...

hey ellbee. was wondering where you went to. i'm always checkin' your blog. wish i had your weather. it's freezing over here. more soon, xo

At 3:02 pm , Blogger Matt Y said...

thank you for that... xo


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