~this is my blog. i originally created it as a way for friends and family to follow my travels. now it's just a way to keep in touch. i'm sure it'll mostly be about baby now! enjoy!

Monday, July 15, 2013

cool vs. nerd

often when we're driving (hence the reason for this first photo being the best we've got), Lilyanna likes to wear my sunglasses. we call her "cool dude Lilyanna". I like to give her the glasses especially when I need her to stay awake as to not ruin her nap, ie. my precious break!
the other day we finally got Lilyanna her very own "cool dude" glasses!
 then we have the "nerd Lilyanna"! this usually only happens at breakfast (before I've showered and put in my contacts).
she sure loves playing with glasses and I'm so glad she finally has her own pair to play with.


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