~this is my blog. i originally created it as a way for friends and family to follow my travels. now it's just a way to keep in touch. i'm sure it'll mostly be about baby now! enjoy!

Friday, January 25, 2013

breakfast nap!

 i was preparing breakfast this morning, just the same as every other morning, and had been interacting with lilyanna as i fried her an egg. i turned my back to plate it and bring it to her and when i turned around this is what i saw:

she was off to dreamland! i guess this is what happens when one wakes at 5:15am! by 7:45 it's nap time. i packed everything up in hopes we could both catch a little nap. not so! she woke up as i got her to the crib. darnit! oh well. she ended up eating a good breakfast, then we played a bit and lilyanna is now down for her morning nap. i'm about to join her for an hour or 2. byebye for now!


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