~this is my blog. i originally created it as a way for friends and family to follow my travels. now it's just a way to keep in touch. i'm sure it'll mostly be about baby now! enjoy!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

balancing act and reflections

sorry for no updates over the past few days. packing up, seeing friends and lilyanna are taking up my time! i can't wait to be done with this moving! (and mom, you of all people, know just how much i like packing!)

the other day lilyanna and i were practising balancing cups on our heads. she got very serious about it and wouldn't smile at all. here she is concentrating:  
 ....trying not to let it fall!
 then she checks out how mommy is doing with her cup.

another of lilyanna's favorite activities is interacting with reflections in the tv. she will wave, clap, yell and laugh at anyone she can see in there---including and best of all---herself! it is so cute!


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